
Welcome to the lemlist Developer Documentation.

lemlist is very customizable and open. You'll find on this page all the API and integration you can do with lemlist.

Rate Limit

lemlist's API rate limits requests in order to prevent abuse and overload of our services.
Rate limits are applied on all routes and per api key performing the request.
The rate limits are 20 requests per 2 seconds.
The response provide any information you may need about it:

Example of values for the rate limit headers

  "Retry-After": 2,
  "X-RateLimit-Limit": 20,
  "X-RateLimit-Remaining": 7,
  "Retry-After" : "Tue Feb 16 2021 09:02:42 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)"
Header Description
Retry-After The number of second in which you can retry
X-RateLimit-Limit The maximum requests in that time
X-RateLimit-Remaining The number of remaining requests you can make
X-RateLimit-Reset The date when the rate limit will reset



A lead, recipient or buddy-to-be is a person that you try to contact using lemlist. Lead is the developer term in the API and is the same thing than buddy-to-be in the app. You know... marketing...


Unsubscribe is the developer term for the graveyard. Where person decide that they don't want to receive email from you anymore.


To authorize, use this code:

curl \
  --user ":YourApiKey"



Make sure to replace YourApiKey with your API key.

All API routes are using the dedicated sub domain

lemlist uses API keys to allow access to the API. You can get your lemlist API key at our integration page.

You need to add the Authorization header using the Basic authentication type. login:password where the login is always empty and the password is the API key.

Or pass your API key as a query parameter access_token


Get Team Information

curl \
  --user ":YourApiKey"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "_id": "tea_ZSC4DkNwPGMe7rMJi",
  "name": "My team",
  "userIds": [
  "createdBy": "usr_WhvZ6kTGMcDkg7iH9",
  "createdAt": "2023-02-07T15:13:40.668Z",
  "beta": [],
  "invitedUsers": [
      "email": "",
      "role": "member",
      "invitedBy": "usr_WhvZ6kTGMcDkg7iH9",
      "invitedAt": "2023-02-17T10:36:42.279Z"
  "customDomain": ""

This endpoint retrieves information of your team.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

No parameters.


Get a specific campaign by id

curl \
  --user ":YourApiKey"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "_id": "cam_aaWL92T22Sei3Bz6v",
  "name": "Campaign1",
  "labels": ["label 1", "label 2"]

This endpoint retrieves a campaign. Labels in returned object is optional if there are no label on campaign

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
campaignId Id of the campaign to retrieve.

List All Campaigns

curl \
  --user ":YourApiKey"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "_id": "cam_aaWL92T22Sei3Bz6v",
  "name": "Campaign1",
  "labels": ["label 1", "label 2"]
}, {
  "_id": "cam_aaXwBiebA8pWPKqpK",
  "name": "Campaign2"

Example with offset:

curl \
  --user ":YourApiKey"

The above command returns max 100 campaigns starting from the 100th campaign.

This endpoint retrieves the list of all campaigns.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
offset (Optional) Offset from the start. For pagination.
limit (Optional) Number of campaigns to retrieve. 100 per default ( and 100 max ).

Start Export of a Campaign

curl \
  --user ":YourApiKey"

The above command returns an export ID for the campaign cam_123456

   "campaignName":"my new campaign",

returned object in case of success, note the exportId property

  "ok": false,
  "message": "An error occurred"

returned object in case of failure

This endpoint start an asynchronous export of all the statistics of a campaign. The final export result is a CSV file.

You first start an export, get an export ID, and then periodically check the status of the export with the /status endpoint. You should stop as soon as you have a status that is different than "pending".

It is "export ID based" and not "campaign ID based" so multiple exports on the same campaign can be done (let's say one started by a user in the application and another by a script).

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
campaignId The ID of the campaign to export.

Get status of a campaign export

curl \
  --user ":YourApiKey"

The above command returns the status of a export

      "campaignName":"my new campaign",

returned object in case of success, note the status and url properties

This endpoint checks the status of an asynchronous export.

campaignId and exportId are required.

In the returned object :

Expiration time

Status are available for 2h only. An export that is still pending after 2h will be considered as failed and HTTP request statusCode will be 404. When you obtain the CSV file URL, you have to download the file in a 24 hours time frame. After that, the file will be deleted.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
campaignId The ID of the campaign that was exported with the /start endpoint.
exportId The ID of the export that was returned by the /start endpoint.

Set an email for a campaign export

curl \
  --user ":YourApiKey"

The above command set the email for the export exp_123456

      "campaignName":"my new campaign",

returned object in case of success, export finished

      "campaignName":"my new campaign",

returned object in case of success, export in progress

This endpoint set an email for a given export. When the export is done an email with the download url will be sent to the address provided.

campaignId and exportId are required.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
campaignId The ID of the campaign that was exported with the /start endpoint.
exportId The ID of the export that was returned by the /start endpoint.
email The email address to send the export url to when the export is done.

Synchronously Export Statistics of a Campaign (DEPRECATED)

curl \
  --user ":YourApiKey"

The above command returns the CSV file for the campaign cam_123456

This endpoint downloads a CSV file that contains all the statistics of a campaign.

This synchronous endpoint is DEPRECATED since Dec, 3rd 2021 and will be removed in a future version. Please use the /start asynchronous endpoint instead.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
campaignId The ID of the campaign to retrieve.

Export Leads of a Campaign

curl \
  --user ":YourApiKey"

The above command returns the CSV file for the campaign cam_123456

This endpoint downloads a CSV file that contains all the leads of a campaign.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
campaignId The ID of the campaign to retrieve.

Query Parameters

Parameter Description
state=all Filter to export only the specified states, all will export all states. Possible states are imported, scanned, skipped, reviewed, contacted, hooked, attracted, warmed, notInterested, interested, emailsBounced, failed, emailsUnsubscribed
State Description
imported All the leads that were imported without any other processing (not scanned, no step sent, not reviewed...)
scanned All the leads that were scanned by linkedIn, or dropcontact
skipped All the leads that were skipped during review
reviewed All the leads that were reviewed
contacted All the leads that were contacted (a step was done for this lead, without any response or click yet)
hooked All the leads that opened an email or linkedIn
attracted All the leads that clicked in an email, accepted a linkedIn invite
warmed All the leads that replied to an email, or a linkedIn
notInterested All the leads that were mark as notInterested
interested All the leads that were mark as interested
emailsBounced All the leads where at least one step bounced, either an email or a linkedIn or an api call
emailsUnsubscribed All the leads that were an unsubscribe
failed Deprecated, use emailsBounced

Add a Lead in a Campaign

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data '{"firstName":"Richard","lastName":"Hendricks","companyName":"Piedpiper","icebreaker":"Icebreaker text", "phone":"(555) 555-1234","picture":"", "linkedinUrl":""}' \
  --user ":YourApiKey"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "campaignId": "cam_aa7uvyxECcni5KXBM",
  "campaignName": "Campaign1",
  "icebreaker":"Icebreaker text",
  "phone":"(555) 555-1234",

This endpoint adds a lead in a specific campaign. If the lead doesn't exist, it'll be created, then inserted to the campaign. The creator of the lead is the campaign's sender

You can just add the email without any body.

The email is also optional.

To verify a lead's existing email, use verifyEmail parameter. To enrich lead's data, use linkedinEnrichment parameter. And to find the lead's email, use findEmail parameter. The three parameters can be combined

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
campaignId The ID of the campaign to add the lead.
email email address of the lead (optional)

Query Parameters

curl -X POST "" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data '{"firstName":"Richard","lastName":"Hendricks","companyName":"Piedpiper","icebreaker":"Icebreaker text", "phone":"(555) 555-1234","picture":"", "linkedinUrl":""}' \
  --user ":YourApiKey"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "campaignId": "cam_aa7uvyxECcni5KXBM",
  "campaignName": "Campaign1",
  "icebreaker":"Icebreaker text",
  "phone":"(555) 555-1234",
Parameter Description
deduplicate=true search email address in another campaign, will not insert the lead if email address already inserted
findEmail=true find verified email
linkedinEnrichment=true run the LinkedIn enrichment
verifyEmail=true verify existing email (debounce)

Body Parameters

Body is optional. If set, it must be a JSON object with any information you want to add to the lead.

There's some optional predefined key:

Parameter Description
firstName First name of the lead.
lastName Last name of the lead.
companyName Company name of the lead.
icebreaker Icebreaker text of the lead.
phone Phone number of the lead.
picture Picture url of the lead.
linkedinUrl Linkedin url of the lead.
companyDomain Domain of the company of the lead

Update a Lead in a Campaign

curl -X PATCH \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data '{"companyName":"Pied Piper"}' \
  --user ":YourApiKey"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "campaignId": "cam_aa7uvyxECcni5KXBM",
  "campaignName": "Campaign1",
  "companyName": "Pied Piper"

This endpoint updates a lead in a specific campaign.

If the lead doesn't exist a 404 error will be returned.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
campaignId The ID of the campaign to add the lead.
email email address of the lead

Body Parameters

Body is mandatory. It must be a JSON object with any information you want to update on the lead.

If no body is specified a 400 error will be returned.

Unsubscribe a Lead from a Campaign

curl -X DELETE \
  --user ":YourApiKey"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "_id": "lea_aaNfSAHJoa4gj86Px",
  "email": ""

This endpoint will unsubscribe a lead from all campaigns if he belongs to the specified campaign.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
campaignId The ID of the campaign to add the lead.
email email address of the lead

Delete a Lead from a Campaign

curl -X DELETE \
  --user ":YourApiKey"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "_id": "lea_aaNfSAHJoa4gj86Px",
  "email": ""

This endpoint delete a lead from a specific campaign.
All information, including statistics, will be deleted.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
campaignId The ID of the campaign to add the lead.
email email address of the lead

Query Parameters

Parameter Value Description
action remove Force the deletion of the lead


Get a Specific Lead by Email or Id

curl \
  --user ":YourApiKey"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

curl \
  --user ":YourApiKey"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:


This endpoint retrieves all the information of a specific lead using its email.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
email email address of the lead.
campaignId (Optional) Search for this lead only the specified campaign
id (Optional) If no email parameter, get lead by its id

Pause a Specific Lead by Email

curl -X POST \
  --user ":YourApiKey"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:


This endpoint pauses a specific lead using its email in all campaigns.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
email email address of the lead.

Query Parameters

Parameter Description
campaignId id of the campaign (optional)

Resume a Specific Lead by Email

curl -X POST \
  --user ":YourApiKey"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:


This endpoint starts a specific lead using its email in all campaigns.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
email email address of the lead.

Query Parameters

Parameter Description
campaignId id of the campaign (optional)

Mark as interested a Specific Lead by Email

curl -X POST \
  --user ":YourApiKey"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "isPaused": false,
  "campaignId": "cam_aaBB11C22Def3Gh4i"

This endpoint marks a specific lead as interested using its email in all campaigns.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
email email address of the lead.

Mark as not interested a Specific Lead by Email

curl -X POST \
  --user ":YourApiKey"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "isPaused": false,
  "campaignId": "cam_aaBB11C22Def3Gh4i"

This endpoint marks a specific lead as not interested using its email in all campaigns.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
email email address of the lead.

Mark as interested a Lead in a Specific Campaign

curl -X POST \
  --user ":YourApiKey"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "isPaused": false,
  "campaignId": "cam_aaBB11C22Def3Gh4i"

This endpoint marks a specific lead as interested using its email in a specific campaigns.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
campaignId The ID of the campaign.
email email address of the lead.

Mark as not interested a Lead in a Specific Campaign

curl -X POST \
  --user ":YourApiKey"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "isPaused": false,
  "campaignId": "cam_aaBB11C22Def3Gh4i"

This endpoint marks a specific lead as not interested using its email in a specific campaigns.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
campaignId The ID of the campaign.
email email address of the lead.


Get Activities

curl \
  --user ":YourApiKey"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "_id": "act_aaXiFy3Y7BNSuYwDr",
  "isFirst": true,
  "type": "emailsSent",
  "teamId": "tea_aaqam5a3BkY8zje24",
  "createdAt": "2018-08-24T14:56:39.172Z",
  "sendUserId": "usr_aawMB5Gd5JJCFYvjp",
  "sendUserEmail": "",
  "sendUserName": "Richard Hendricks",
  "leadId": "lea_aafF6i3BjsDRDNAWN",
  "leadFirstName": "Jeanne",
  "leadLastName": "Doe",
  "leadEmail": "",
  "campaignId": "cam_aaktcZg9z9xJKQgqK",
  "campaignName": "Campaign1",
  "listId": "lst_aa5tgpggEfYeJ9vbJ",
  "sequenceId": "seq_aaPoZgbALLQhcLmqz",
  "sequenceStep": 2,
  "emailTemplateId": "etp_aatuEkEztDPm32b23",
  "emailTemplateName": "Sales: The Honest One",
  "emailId": "eml_aaFHxT2ejiz7apYnn"
  "_id": "act_aavmrPCCZGMSsCSNw",
  "isFirst": true,
  "type": "emailsSent",
  "teamId": "tea_aqam5a3BkY8zje24",
  "createdAt": "2018-08-24T14:51:35.726Z",
  "sendUserId": "usr_aawMB5Gd5JJCFYvjp",
  "sendUserEmail": "",
  "sendUserName": "Richard Hendricks",
  "leadId": "lea_aafF6i3BjsDRDNAWN",
  "leadFirstName": "Jeanne",
  "leadLastName": "Doe",
  "leadEmail": "jeanne",
  "campaignId": "cam_aaktcZg9z9xJKQgqK",
  "campaignName": "Campaign1",
  "listId": "lst_aa5tgpggEfYeJ9vbJ",
  "sequenceId": "seq_aaPoZgbALLQhcLmqz",
  "sequenceStep": 1,
  "emailTemplateId": "etp_aak9yNgefLCCB7ghA",
  "emailTemplateName": "I Just Call",
  "emailId": "eml_aabhRvzfe9sFErQ2b",
  "sequenceTested": "A",
  "stepTested": "A"

This endpoint retrieves the last 100 activities.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
type (Optional) The type of activity you want to retrieve. Can be emailsSent, emailsOpened, emailsClicked, emailsReplied, emailsDone, emailsBounced, emailsFailed, emailsUnsubscribed, emailsInterested, emailsNotInterested, snoozed, annotated, aircallDone, aircallCreated, aircallEnded, aircallInterested, aircallNotInterested, apiDone, apiInterested, apiNotInterested, apiFailed, linkedinVisitDone, linkedinVisitFailed, linkedinInviteDone, linkedinSent, linkedinOpened, linkedinInviteAccepted, linkedinInviteFailed, linkedinSendFailed, linkedinReplied, linkedinInterested, linkedinNotInterested, linkedinDone, manualDone, manualInterested, manualNotInterested, paused, resumed, skipped, contacted, hooked, attracted, warmed, interested, notInterested.
campaignId (Optional) Retrieve activities of this campaignId.
isFirst (Optional) Only retrieve the first time this activity happened.
offset (Optional) Offset from the start. For pagination.
limit (Optional) Number of campaigns to retrieve. 100 per default ( and 100 max ).


List All Unsubscribes

curl \
  --user ":YourApiKey"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "_id": "lead_123456",
  "email": "",
  "source": "bounce",
  "createdAt": "2018-04-30T12:19:42.829Z"
}, {
  "_id": "lead_123457",
  "email": "",
  "source": "bounce",
  "createdAt": "2018-04-30T12:19:42.829Z"

This endpoint retrieves the list of all people who are unsubscribed.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
offset (Optional) Offset from the start. For pagination.
limit (Optional) Number of email to retrieve. 100 per default.

Export the List of Unsubscribes

curl \
  --user ":YourApiKey"

The above command returns the CSV file with all unsubscribed email addresses

This endpoint downloads a CSV file that contains all the unsubscribed email addresses.

Result is not sorted.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

No parameters.

Add an Email Address or a Domain in the Unsubscribes

curl -X POST \
  --user ":YourApiKey"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "_id": "lea_aaJgm566c9tyzTBeu",
  "email": ""

If lead is already unsubscribed, returns JSON structured like this:

  "_id": "lea_aaJgm566c9tyzTBeu",
  "email": "",
  "alreadyUnsubscribed": true

To unsubscribe the entire domain ''

curl -X POST \
  --user ":YourApiKey"

This endpoint adds a lead in the unsubscribed list. Domain to unsubscribe must start with @, e.g.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
email or domain email address to unsubscribe. If this is a domain, it must start with @

Delete an Email Address from the Unsubscribes

curl -X DELETE \
  --user ":YourApiKey"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "_id": "lea_aaJgm566c9tyzTBeu",
  "email": ""

This endpoint deletes a lead in the unsubscribed list.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
email email address of the lead


Hooks are a way to for us to contact your server when an event occurs in lemlist. You can list, add or delete hooks.

List All Hooks

curl \
  --user ":YourApiKey"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "_id": "hoo_aadabFv7dRoP2L8GJ",
  "targetUrl": "",
  "createdAt": "2018-11-27T12:19:26.608Z"

This endpoint retrieves the list of all hooks.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

No parameters.

Add a Hook

curl -X POST \
  --data '{"targetUrl":""}' \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --user ":YourApiKey"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "_id": "hoo_aadabFv7dRoP2L8GJ",
  "targetUrl": "",
  "createdAt": "2018-11-27T12:19:26.608Z"

This endpoint adds a hook in our system. Each time an event happen, we'll call targetUrl with the event data as an object. To know more about the data passed, see activities

For mails sent through the composer, the emailsSent event is not fired

HTTP Request


Body Parameters

Body is optional. If set, It must be a JSON object with one of those parameters.

Parameter Description
type (Optional) We'll call this hook only if the event is of the type type. type can be contacted, hooked, attracted, warmed, interested, skipped, notInterested, emailsSent, emailsOpened, emailsClicked, emailsReplied, emailsBounced, emailsSendFailed, emailsFailed, emailsUnsubscribed, emailsInterested, emailsNotInterested, opportunitiesDone, aircallCreated, aircallEnded, aircallDone, aircallInterested, aircallNotInterested, apiDone, apiInterested, apiNotInterested, apiFailed, linkedinVisitDone, linkedinVisitFailed, linkedinInviteDone, linkedinInviteFailed, linkedinInviteAccepted, linkedinReplied, linkedinSent, linkedinInterested, linkedinNotInterested, linkedinSendFailed, manualInterested, manualNotInterested, paused, resumed.
campaignId (Optional) We'll call this hook only for this campaignId.
isFirst (Optional) We'll call this hook only the first time this activity happened.

Delete a Hook

curl -X DELETE \
  --user ":YourApiKey"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "_id": "hoo_aadabFv7dRoP2L8GJ",
  "targetUrl": "",
  "createdAt": "2018-11-27T12:19:26.608Z"

This endpoint delete a hook.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
_id The ID of the hook that we have to remove.


The lemlist API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Your request is invalid.
401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong.
403 Forbidden -- The id requested is hidden for administrators only.
404 Not Found -- The specified id could not be found.
405 Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access a id with an invalid method.
406 Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that isn't json.
410 Gone -- The id requested has been removed from our servers.
418 I'm a teapot.
429 Too Many Requests -- You're requesting too many ids! Slow down!
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.